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Have you heard about an insurance cover just for a day?

Per Day Insurance Through InsureMe
A Third-Party Motor vehicle insurance is the minimum legal requirement to drive a vehicle but most prefer a full insurance for their vehicle. However due to high insurance premium, you may be wondering how you could afford to pay it, especially when you also have other vehicle related expenses such as financing, maintenance etc. Further, when you have an annual policy you are paying for days the vehicle is not being used as well. So, what if we told you that we have solved this problem for you?
With Per Day Insurance, your insurance premium is calculated at a per day cost and you will only be required to pay for the number of days chosen by you. This makes the amount payable highly affordable and our easy payment options ensures that you enjoy all the benefits of the policy without a hassle.
Studies have revealed that a vast majority of vehicle owners in Sri Lanka do not have full insurance due to its high cost. However, this places them at great financial risk, especially if the vehicle meets with a serious accident that causes extensive damage to it, and you have to pay for the repair work. However, with this innovative motor insurance, you can enjoy the benefits of a full insurance cover, without having to pay huge premium upfront.
Who can benefit most from per day insurance?
While this insurance is affordable and convenient for everyone, especially in the current financial situation, it is extremely beneficial for:
If you have just purchased your new car and need a full insurance until you choose the right motor vehicle insurance this is the ideal solution for you,
Those people who rarely use their vehicles can benefit from this type of insurance, because they don’t need to pay huge annual premium.
If you are in the business of buying and selling vehicles, and need insurance when moving the vehicle, per day insurance is ideal for you.
Vehicle importers can avail the benefits of a motor insurance and assure the safety of their vehicles
when transporting them, without having to pay huge premium.
If you are looking for a short term insurance because you intend selling your vehicle soon, this is the solution for you.
You can get all the benefits of a full insurance, but without having to pay the high premium all at once.
How to get your per day insurance through InsureMe
Choosing the right policy to suit your specific requirements is easy, convenient and efficient when you use InsureMe.
Why should I select InsureMe for my Per Day Insurance?
Don’t let high premiums put you at risk when it comes to insuring your vehicle. Get the easy and affordable per day insurance through InsureMe, and enjoy the ride!